At the Crossroads

2021 Exhibit

Where are we going as humans? Can we survive our battles of good and evil, of truths and lies? Can we set aside a moment each day to think how lucky we are to be alive and part of this world, this little planet spinning in the mystery darkness of this universe?

In the studio ideas come and go, some get up on the paper, some lie around and wait their turn or get tossed in a tantrum.

This art show is all over the place, this color, that nub of charcoal, the big roll of paper, the small blue one, a squirrel or a buffalo or both, cut and sew and tear, tear my hair, tears and laughter.

Click on any image below to view the entire exhibit in a slide show. Be sure and check out the Blog "A Studio Visit" with the artist.


Chimera Carnival

Earlier Drawings

Signs of Life

This Trickster Life

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